ZVROT – a platform that solves the problem of surplus materials
It is understood that as much as $1.5 billion is frozen each year in surplus stored materials. This is a costly problem faced by many companies, including those in the shipbuilding industry. Now, thanks to the ZVROT platform, businesses can never again suffer financial losses on the disposal of full-value products.
ZVROT is a project by a team of four women led by Dominika Werdecka-Latarska. Young creators with their project got to the Techseed program, which aims to support the most innovative technology startups that want to develop their ideas in Gdansk. The programme has already ended, and ZVROT qualified to the final.
The idea of the ZVROT initiative is to use already produced materials in 100%, by other companies, thanks to which you can gain, among others, additional space in the warehouse, reduction of costs for disposal, profit from selling unused materials or buying them at a better price.
Surplus materials are a very costly problem. I’ve dealt with it many times, having worked in the shipbuilding industry for almost 10 years,” says Dominika Werdecka-Latarska. – Now we can solve this issue together through the ZVROT web platform, in which we want to link the activities of companies with surplus in their warehouses with those that have a demand for a given material.
Thanks to the ZVROT platform, companies will never again lose money on the disposal of valuable products. The platform is expected to bring benefits for both parties. The seller will liquidate the surplus and free up space in the warehouse, while the buyer will receive the required materials quickly and at an attractive price.
Our business model is simple. The seller pays only 3% commission on the surplus sold. In addition, we want to introduce the possibility of paid promotion of offers and enter into cooperation with a courier company. Admittedly, there are already similar solutions on the market, but they are not as highly developed in terms of reach and materials as ZVROT will be. Moreover, we do not want to burden the user with a monthly cost – explains the application’s co-creator, adding that at the beginning of next year they want to launch MVP – a working product with minimum functionality, allowing to test the profitability of a given undertaking on the target group.
The problem of surplus materials is faced by the whole industry, not only in Poland. In the European Union alone, almost USD 45 billion is blocked every year.
We want to support the shipbuilding industry in Poland, because as you can see, this sector has great potential. We can achieve a lot using our knowledge.
What should be emphasised is that the basis of every project is a team.
Ours is dominated by industry experience, knowledge and exceptional technical skills. It was created during this year’s Hackathon Hack4Girl with another project – says Dominika Werdecka-Latarska.
The creators are looking for an investor to launch the platform. Its cost is about 450 000 zł. Contact: zvrot1@gmail.com
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