Zamet Industry acquires new orders in the offshore sector

Fig.: GE
As announced around mid-July 2015, the Warsaw Stock Exchange listed Zamet Industry SA, as the first company in Poland, was certified to meet the requirements of ISO/TS 29001:2010 by DNV GL Poland.
ISO/TS 29001:2010, whose original title is “Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. Sector-specific quality management systems. Requirements for product & service supply Organizations”, defines the quality management system in the organization and performance standards for suppliers in the area of services and products manufactured in exploration and production industry, oil and natural gas and petrochemical products sector. Around the world, only 88 companies have been certified to ISO/TS 29001:2010 by DNV GL so far.
The certificate received by Zamet Industry, confirms the competence and the application of best practices in the steel construction facilities, offshore oil & gas E&P floating units, subsea equipment, as well as cranes, lifting, handling, and oil extraction / production equipment and structures as well as the processing equipment. This certification is a consequence of the company’s efforts to improve the quality of our products and the application of the highest international standards in products and services delivered.
Zamet Industry SA won – as announced in June – subsea structures manufacturing contract from GE Oil & Gas for installation on offshore development in Ghana.
The value of the order amounts to 1.4 million British pounds (GBP). GE Oil & Gas is a part of General Electric Group – one of the world’s largest energy companies. For over 20 years, GE Oil & Gas has been a supplier of equipment and services for the oil and gas industry. Zamet Industry in turn has been working with GE Oil & Gas for many years in the area of offshore structures.
Within the last 12 months Zamet Industry received orders from GE Oil & Gas with a total amount of PLN 19.9 million.
These contracts concern the manufacturing by Zamet Industry SA of subsea oil & gas production facilities components destined for the Offshore Cape Three Point (OCTP) project carried out by a consortium of companies Eni and Vitol and Ghana National Petroleum Corporation. OCTP development project belongs to the recently discovered deposits of Sankofa, which is located about 60 km from the coast of the Western Region of Ghana. The deposits are located at depths of 500 to 1,100 meters below sea level, and their estimated size is about 41 billion cubic meters of gas and 500 million barrels of oil. First oil production is scheduled for 2017 and gas – in 2018.