Unimot Group has taken delivery of diesel from the USA
Unimot Group is diversifying its fuel supply destinations and has just imported diesel from the United States. The 38,000-tonne tanker Eldia arrived directly from the Garyville refinery in Louisiana and on Tuesday, 14 February, its unloading at the port of Gdynia was completed, from where the diesel will be delivered to Unimot Group’s customers via the fuel hub in Debogórz.
– As we announced, we are making intensive use of our extensive business contacts, including the potential of our trading office in Geneva, to ensure the supply of diesel to Poland following the introduction of sanctions on Russian petroleum products. The delivery from the United States was made without the need to use our transhipment terminal in Denmark, as the cargo came directly to Poland on the largest tanker that the port of Gdynia can handle, a 38,000-tonne vessel. The terminal in Denmark allows us to handle the largest tankers with a capacity of 100 thousand tonnes and we are in talks regarding such deliveries with contractors all over the world,” says Robert Brzozowski, Vice President of the Management Board for Commercial Affairs, Unimot.
The Unimot Group had been preparing to become independent of fuel supplies from Russia since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. Accordingly, at the beginning of April 2022, the company leased a terminal in Denmark’s Gulfhavn, which enables the transhipment of diesel from the largest tankers arriving in Europe from directions other than Russia and the further transport of fuel to Poland and, if necessary, to all other ports in the Baltic Sea. It has so far resulted in three deliveries of diesel – two from Saudi Arabia and one from India. The terminal lease agreement is for one year with an option to extend, which Unimot Group has already taken advantage of and extended for another year.
In 2021-2022, Unimot also imported products from European refineries, including Sweden, Finland, Germany and the Netherlands, directly to the port of Gdynia. These are destinations that the Group also intends to use now that sanctions on petroleum products from Russia have been introduced.
The Unimot Group is also stepping up investment in rail logistics in order to transport product overland as quickly and cost-effectively as possible. In the first quarter of this year, the last batches of purchased rail tank cars will arrive at the Group, and the finalisation of the purchase of the logistics company Olavion, initiated at the end of 2022, which has locomotives, the relevant licences and highly qualified personnel, will allow the Unimot Group to complete this value chain and take advantage of synergies.
Source: PortalMorski.pl