ORLEN to develop new fields on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
ORLEN Group and its licence partners have received approval for the Plan for the development and operation of Ørn and Alve Nord fields on the…
ORLEN to develop new fields on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
ORLEN Group and its licence partners have received approval of the Plan for development and operation of Ørn and Alve Nord fields on the Norwegian…
PKN Orlen to intensify oil and gas production
PKN Orlen will intensify oil and gas production in Poland, PKN Orlen’s executive director for capital investments Robert Śleszyński told Polish Press Agency (PAP). The…
ORLEN invests in logistics and production assets in Gdansk
ORLEN Group is investing more than half a billion zlotys at its Gdansk refinery to strengthen the safety and security of product supply. A terminal…
Orlen reaches agreement with Aramco on ordering additional five crude oil tankers
Orlen has reached an agreement with its partner Aramco on an order for five additional crude oil tankers from the North Sea and secured alternative…
Baltic Power has held talks with potential suppliers on building supply chain for offshore wind project
Almost 600 representatives of 369 companies and institutions attended a meeting for those interested in collaboration on the Baltic Power project. Building a strong supply…
PKN Orlen to import more oil from Saudi Arabia
PKN Orlen, Poland’s largest fuel company has signed an annex to the long-term agreement with the Saudi Aramco oil company, increasing oil supplies by 100,000…
Another delivery of Iranian oil for ORLEN arrived in Gdansk
In August last year, Gdansk handled the largest tanker in the port’s history, which brought nearly 300,000 tonnes of Iranian oil for the Lotos Refinery….
One million barrels of Iranian oil for PKN Orlen
PKN ORLEN has purchased 1 million barrels of Iranian Light oil – the Polish oil company said in the statement released on 14 December 2016….
Unipetrol connecting the Czech Republic to the JANAF pipeline
Representatives of UNIPETROL RPA, a.s and Jadranski Naftovod, d.d. signed a frame contract on transportation of crude oil via the JANAF pipeline. This pipeline might…
PKN Orlen still wants Saudi crude for its refineries
PKN Orlen will continue to work with Saudi Aramco as a supplier of crude oil to its refineries in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Lithuania…
A resolution to merge ORLEN Upstream Int. with ORLEN Upstream was passed
By the decision of the Shareholders’ Meeting of ORLEN Upstream a resolution was passed to accept a cross-border merger of ORLEN Upstream Sp. z o.o. (Acquiring…