Naimski: withdrawal from Russian gas will take Europe up to three years
It will take Europe two-three years to move away from Russian gas. The missing sections of gas pipelines that will connect the terminals need to…
Final investment decisions for the Baltic Pipe are made
The Polish and Danish gas transmission system operators: Gaz-System and Energinet have both made positive investment decisions and agreed to implement the joint Baltic Pipe project….
Baltic Pipe – positive result of economic tests
After the evaluation of the Open Season Phase 2 Bids and the final allocation result, GAZ-SYSTEM and Energinet were obliged by the respective national regulatory…
Ramboll will design offshore gas pipeline from Denmark to Poland
On 3 August 2017, GAZ-SYSTEM concluded a contract with Ramboll Danmark A/S for execution of the analytical, survey and design work necessary for securing the…
Market Consultation of the Open Season 2017 Rules for the Baltic Pipe Project
The project promoters of the Baltic Pipe Project, the Polish and the Danish gas transmission system operators, Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM SA and are…