Swinoujscie expected to receive LNG from new direction – Equatorial Guinea

An LNG carrier with the first cargo from a new source for Poland – Equatorial Guinea – is scheduled to enter the LNG terminal in Świnoujście on Wednesday, 6 September.

The gas carrier Global Star (IMO No. 9859741; GT 113,822; year of construction 2021; deadweight 94,732 t; cargo capacity 170,138 m³) is expected to dock at the loading berth of the President Lech Kaczynski LNG Terminal on Wednesday morning.

It will deliver the cargo received on 12-13 August at the Punta Europa Terminal (EG LNG Terminal) in Equatorial Guinea. This will be the first cargo delivered to the Swinoujscie terminal from this source.

An interesting design aspect of the Punta Europa LNG terminal is that part of the pipeline route connecting the liquefaction facilities to the loading bay is via a suspension bridge.

In addition to the main sources in the USA and Qatar (the Polish importer has long-term contracts with LNG suppliers there, but there are also spot deliveries from these directions), LNG has so far been supplied to the terminal in Świnoujście, under short-term or one-off spot contracts, also from Norway, Trinidad and Tobago, Nigeria and Egypt.

Punta Europa LNG Terminal, also known as Equatorial Guinea LNG or EG LNG, is an LNG terminal opened in 2007 located on Bioko Island in the province of Bioko Norte in Equatorial Guinea. It is owned and operated by Equatorial Guinea (EG) LNG Holdings Ltd, whose shareholders are: Marathon Oil of Texas, USA (majority shareholder), Sonagas – Sociedad Nacional de Gas de Guinea Ecuatorial and Marubeni Corporation of Japan. The terminal can deliver up to 3.7 million tonnes of LNG per year.

The Global Star gas carrier is formally owned by Hong Kong-based leasing company ICIL Maritime Leasing Intl, but its commercial shipowner, as well as operator and managing shipowner, is Qatar Gas Transport Co of Qatar, while the technical management of the vessel is the responsibility of Nakilat Shipping Qatar Ltd, also of Qatar.

Source: PortalMorski.pl

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