Ship model towing tank opened at Gdansk University of Technology

Photo: Krzysztof Krzempek, GUT
On November 19, 2015 at the Faculty of Shipbuilding Technology and Offshore Engineering of Gdansk University of Technology, an opening ceremony took place for the new towing tank facilities. The new building, which is housing the test towing tank, has been built adjacent to the existing Faculty building.
Within the framework of the project “Creation of modern technical infrastructure for the implementation of a training program of Engineers of the Future at Gdansk University of Technology” facilities with a total usable area of 1698 m² have been built. On the ground floor the test towing tank has been built with area of 335.58 m² supplemented by the 99.33 m² ship model workshop and a warehouse with an area of 23.76 m². Furthermore, on the upper floor offices, laboratory facilities, a warehouse and a server room have been built. The laboratories allow simultaneous conducting classes for 154 students. All laboratories are equipped with multimedia and computer equipment (computer labs).
The towing test tank’s dimensions are as follows: length 40 m, width 4.0 m, water depth 3.0 m and the facility is equipped with CTO supplied towing-measurement device – an unmanned, remote-controlled bridge able to travel with a max. speed of 2.5 m / sec, on rails mounted on the crown of the pool. The length of the platform adapted to the size of the measurement window with dimensions 800mm x 4000mm, which will allow for free movement of the model during all modes provided for the tests (including the samples on the waveform). The rigid and robust structure is made of aluminum profiles in a beam reinforced lattice structure.
The facility is also equipped with wave generator. Towing tank size imposes the size of the models tested, with the length not exceeding 3.0 m and a nominal weight of up to 200 kg (maximum 300 kg). The model workshop allows for manufacturing of such ship models with use of numerically controlled CNC 5D milling machine.