Scientists from Gdynia initiated a competence centre for maritime safety

Photo: Krzysztof Miłosz / AMW
On October 16, 2015, in Gdynia-Oksywie was formed the Maritime Safety Competence Centre “Oxivia”. The initiators of its founding are: the Naval Academy (AMW) and the Research and Development Maritime Technology Centre (CTM).
This is the first initiative of this kind in history, which is focused on creating a unique environment for the implementation of scientific, research, project and implementation tasks, as well as those related to the maintenance and development of already exploited systems.
The ceremonial signing of the agreement establishing the Maritime Security Competence Centre Oxivia, was held at the Naval Academy in Gdynia. Its signatories were: rector-commandant of the Naval Academy, captain prof. Tomasz Szubrycht, Ph.D., D.Sc. and president of the board – managing director of CTM Andrzej Kilian, Ph.D.
OXIVIA is a confirmation of further tightening of a cooperation, lasting for more than 30 years between the two institutions, undertaken in order to develop skills and technologies and accumulate knowledge in the area of the widely understood National Maritime Security. It constitutes a guarantee not only for gathering of necessary experience in a very demanding area, but also the development of innovative abilities and technologies in order to use them in the implementation of joint projects for the purposes of the implementation of command, weapon and critical infrastructure protection systems.
– Years of experience, including the development and modernization of systems for the Polish Navy, should be utilized in new projects, which will be the coastal defence vessel “Miecznik” and the patrol vessel with mine countermeasure functions “Czapla” – remarked president of the board – managing director of CTM, Andrzej Kilian Ph.D.
Both institutions, with headquarters in the historic district of Gdynia – Oksywie, have complementary competences and thanks to the established synergy have a deep conviction about the positive effects of the use of the whole of their experience, skills, technical and scientific potential for better fulfilment of its mission. Both CTM and the Naval Academy possess already today, respectively in the frame of the Polish defence industry, as well as the academic environment, the necessary level of knowledge, competencies and technical capabilities to secure the needs of the Navy, Border Guard, Sea Rescue, Maritime Administration and other institutions responsible for security on the waters. One of the major priorities is also to extend the abilities to prepare highly qualified specialists with unique competencies, which will constitute a human resources base for the aforementioned services.
– Within OXIVIA we plan to undertake scientific and research cooperation with national and international organizations, in order to acquire and develop innovative military technologies implemented in national defence industry enterprises – this assures an open formula – stated during the signing of the agreement rector-commandant of the Naval Academy, captain Prof. Tomasz Szubrycht, Ph.D., D. Sc.