RMDC reveals new car-passenger hybrid propulsion ferry design

Remontowa Marine Design & Consulting (RMDC), member of Remontowa Holding, having a vast experience in passenger and ro-ro vessels design, has recently developed an innovative hybrid propulsion double-ended car-passenger ferry design, dedicated for short ferry connections (type designation RMDC 3324).
The ferry features relatively high capacity as for its dimensions and is designed with environment protection in mind, in line with the latest technology and market trends. Comfortable passenger space are fitted also for the handicapped persons.
Hybrid propulsion is effected via two generating sets, 400 kW each configured with two systems of batteries, 500 kWh each. The generating set’s engines are either diesel oil or bio-diesel fuel fed. The main propulsion is designed to operate entirely on batteries. The batteries are to be fed from shore connection during cargo handling operations. The two gen-sets are auxiliary sources of power to boost feeding of batteries if such necessity occurs.
The ship is to be propelled by two azimuthing thrusters, 480 KW each, at stern and bow, enhancing manoeuvrability.
RMDC 3324 design Hybrid Powered Ferry 116 AEQ – principal particulars:
LOA 109.4 m; LBP 99.6 m; moulded breadth 17.00 m, breadth over all 17.4 m; depth to main deck 5.35 m; draught 3.4 m; passenger capacity 300; crew members 6; personal car units capacity 116 (or 13 trucks + 43 personal cars); speed 11 knots.