RMDC has won a tender for ro-pax ferry design for Jadrolinija

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Polish ship design office Remontowa Marine Design & Consulting Ltd. has won the public tender for the development of concept and classification design of ro-ro passenger ship for the largest Croatian ferry operator Jadrolinija Maritime Liner Company. The ferry will be designated to operate in the Adriatic Sea between the port of Split and the islands of Hvar, Korčula and Vis.
The ship to be designed will carry 2000 passengers and 206 cars, or alternatively 85 cars and 20 trucks. Passenger spaces located on two decks will include a restaurant, bars, buffet, children playroom and designated space for passengers on the open deck. Transport of passengers between decks will take place also using elevators and escalators. The ship will have two decks designed to carry cars. The bow and stern of the ship will be equipped with ramps to enable efficient loading and unloading.
The drive unit will be the four diesel engines, two on each of the two shaft lines. Each shaft line will be equipped with a reduction gearbox, clutch, shaft generator and CP propeller. The ship will have two Backer flap rudders aligned with two propellers.
The ferry will be equipped with one pair of foldable fin stabilizers that ensure the comfort of passengers. She will be also equipped with two bow thrusters to enable precise maneuvering in small and congested ports.
The vessel will be designed by RMDC according to the requirements of the CRS (Croatian Register of Shipping) and will meet the latest safety standards in accordance with SOLAS 2009.
According to Croatian media reports, by year 2027, Jadrolinija plans to invest 281 million euros in the renewal of its fleet. The largest Croatian ferry opertor will purchase a total of 26 ships, of which 23 will be completely new ones. Simultaneously with the arrival of the new ships, Jadrolinija will gradually retire 32 ships, which means that the total number of ships would decrease from 50 to 44, even though the total capacity of the fleet would still be increased. Jadrolinija would increase its current capacity from the total of 28,020 passengers and 3,924 vehicles on 50 ships to 31,377 passengers and 4,710 vehicles on 44 ships.
These figures are included in the strategy document on the possibilities of Jadrolinija’s development for the period from 2015 to 2027. The operator aims to retain 34 concessions on passenger lines in Croatia after January 1, 2017, when the market for the lines connecting Croatian mainland and the islands will be opened to competition.
The entire shipbuilding program will be divided into three groups. The first will include the construction of passenger ships for shorter trips with a capacity for 400 passengers, and they would replace the oldest ships in the fleet, built in the 1950s and 1960s.
The second group would include new larger passenger ships which will connect the more remote islands, Hvar, Lastovo, Korčula and Vis, with the mainland. The ferry to be design by RMDC is among these vessels.
And finally, the last part of the fleet renewal program refers to the catamaran ferry fleet to be built in the period 2021-2027. The new ferries will be connected with the long-term project for the reconstruction of infrastructure in Croatian ports.
This plan is also an excellent opportunity for Polish shipyards, especially for Remontowa Shipbuilding in Gdańsk, the renowned producer of entirely equipped innovative ferries for British, Canadian, Danish, Estonian, Scottish and Norwegian Owners.
To date, mainly Croatian shipyards (Uljanik from Pula and Treći Maj from Rijeka) have been among the recipients of domestic ferry orders. But nothing is set in stone since shipyards across Europe will be able to compete and to join open tenders for these orders, which could bring them the total amount of 281 million euros over the next decade.
GL, rel (RMDC)