Remontowa Shiprepair Yard ranked 1st in Europe

Remontowa Shiprepair Yard SA was ranked first in Europe among the shipyards retrofitting ships with Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems in the World Fleet Register ranking of Clarksons Research analytical company.
The British marine and shipbuilding market intelligence agency collected data on a number of projects involving the installation of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems, the so-called scrubbers, by shipyards on ships. On this basis, it has selected and ranked 15 of the world’s leading shipyards in this respect.
– The list includes the number of historical EGCS installations on ships over the last five years, projects currently executed and contracted for the future,” explains James Milne of Clarksons Research Services Ltd.
Of these 15 shipyards, 12 are the Chinese ones. Among the shipyards equipping ships with EGCS, operating outside China, the Polish shipyard took first place, ahead of Grand Bahama (USA) and Besiktas (Turkey). This is a change compared to the earlier Clarksons statement a few months ago, according to which Remontowa SA was second among non-Chinese shipyards.
The Polish shipyard has so far retrofitted 50 ships with EGCS systems, installing over 100 scrubbers in total (on some ships more than one scrubber have been installed). In 2019 alone, 10 ships were equipped with such systems, mainly Ro-Ro/container ships belonging to the Grimaldi Group (Grande Lagos series).
The year 2019 also turned out to be a record year in terms of ships equipped by Remontowa SA shipyard with Ballast Water Treatment systems (BWT). The shipyard installed them this year on 19 ships, and at the end of the year it started to implement such projects on two further ships.
From January 1, 2020, the so-called “Sulphur Cap”, i.e. the directive limiting sulphur emissions from ships from the current 3.5% to 0.5% (outside the emission control areas – ECA – where the 0.1% limit is already in force), will become effective worldwide. According to DNV-GL, the new regulations will affect over 70,000 ships in total.
The new regulations, in line with the IMO objectives and the climate policy of the European Union, are to contribute to the reduction of emissions of sulphur oxides by ships, which are responsible for the so-called acid rains and the growth of the greenhouse effect.
Below is a ranking of the world’s leading shipyards equipping ships with scrubbers developed by Clarksons Research: