Remontowa SA upgraded a PSV for ROV support and subsea operations

Up Coral after completion of its conversion at Remontowa in 2015. Photo: Piotr B. Stareńczak/SeaMedia
Up Coral after completion of its conversion at Remontowa in 2015.
Photo: Piotr B. Stareńczak/SeaMedia

One of interesting conversions recently completed at Remontowa Shiprepair Yard SA was that related to the upgrade of the Up Coral Platform Supply Vessel, which has been adapted for ROV support and subsea construction work.

The vessel 87.07 m in overall length and 18.80 m wide arrived with special deck cargo at Remontowa Shiprepair Yard SA, member of Remontowa Holding early March to undergo upgrade through installation of new specialist equipment in order to expand the vessel’s capabilities and operational functionality. Its stay lasted for over a month.

Remontowa SA has installed ROV service and launching equipment as well as a knuckle boom crane from Dutch manufacturer Concordia TMS. The crane, with 25 tonne SWL and maximum outreach of 35 m is capable of operation on the waters up to 3000 m deep. With own diesel power pack of 862 kW and active heave compensation system, the vessel is able to operate in waves up to 2.5 m high and in wind speed up to 20 m/s.

Interestingly, the Brazilian, UP Offshore Ltd. owned and operated Up Coral brought the crane destined to be installed at Remontowa SA as its own deck cargo right from the manufacturer’s quay. The crane was loaded onto the PSV at Concordia Group’s quay in Werkendam, the Netherlands. The main particulars of the specialist offshore crane installed (TMS Offshore Knuckle Boom Active Heave Crane) are as follows: max. load – 25 tons WLL, max. reach – 35 meters, max. AHC conditions – Hs 2,5 m / 25 t / 15 m, max. working depth – 3000 m, runner winch – 5 tonnes WLL, max. reach runner – 37 m, man riding – 1 tonne WLL, class – Lloyds’ Register of Shipping, installed power – 862 kW.

Besides the ROV equipment and 164 tonne offshore knuckle boom crane installation, Remontowa SA has also performed 3.5 m high mezzanine deck installation (the new deck, weighing 67 tonnes in total and installed in three sections, is spread over half of the PSV’s work deck area) and some other works. Under this new deck, containers with equipment will be stored among other items. All in all some 107 tonnes of steel has been installed, covering also crane foundations, modifications in tanks, some minor piping works, etc.

With new equipment on place, the ship was expected to commence Petrobras charter off Brazilian shores.

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