Remontowa SA to modernize naval intelligence vessels ORP Hydrograf and ORP Nawigator

Consortium, with Remontowa SA as a leader, as well as with KenBIT sp. j. and AM Technologies Sp. z o.o. sp. k., have won the tender from Inspectorate of Armament, for supply, installation and integration of electronic intelligence surveillance systems for ORP Hydrograf and ORP Nawigator as well as the major repairs and docking of ORP Hydrograf. The relevant agreement was signed on December 6 in Warsaw.
Within a scope of the contract ESM (Electronic Support Measures) and wide-band intelligence systems will be supplied, installed and integrated on both vessels.
Furthermore, onboard ORP Hydrograf, intelligence command systems will be installed, the receiving antenna and optoelectronic ones.
– The tender procedure took almost 2 years. We have been in talks with Inspectorate of Armament. We are satisfied, that Remontowa SA in partnership with KenBIT and AM Technologies, specialized and experinced in similar works, will be executing this project – Arkadiusz Kieda, manager of Naval Vessels Repairs nad Steel Products Commercial Office at Remontowa SA.
The ships will be upgraded one at a time. First, in January 2018, entry of ORP Hydrograf is expected and after all the works on these ships are completed, another one – ORP Nawigator – will be welcomed at the yard.
Remontowa SA holds the Security Clearance of first degree, issued by Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego (Agency of Internal Security), which means living up to highest standards defined in relevant rules and regulations regarding secret security and classified data processing.
The yard also holds foreign versions of the above-mentioned certificate, such as NATO Secret and EU/UE Secret, confirming the yard is entitled to render services to defence in Poland, in NATO and in EU.
The yard may acquire contracts for full scope repairs of naval ships, including the most complex military projects, covering combat, communication and other systems onboard naval ships.
Let us recall, both electronic intelligence ships to be upgraded now, have been built at Northern Shipyard in Gdańsk – currently Remontowa Shipbuilding SA of the Remontowa Holding group.
Photo: Piotr B. Stareńczak