PRS authorized by the Islamic Republic of Iran

On 21st February 2018, the Polish Register of Shipping received the official authorization of the Ports and Maritime Administration (PMO) of Islamic Republic of Iran. Thereby, the PRS joined the group of 8 other classification societies, that are recognized by that state.
The authorization of Iranian maritime administration allows PRS to inspect and audit ships with a flag of Iran, as well as to perform audits of Iranian shipowner’s offices for compliance with the requirements of international conventions and agreements, to which Iran is a party.
On the ground of the positive results of the carried audit, PRS may issue certificates on behalf of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran: the documents shall confirm, that the Iranian ships meet relevant requirements and authorize these vessels to navigate internationally.
The PRS undertook activities aimed at obtaining recognition of Iran in 2016, after the sanctions imposed on that country by the international community were lifted. The last stage of the recognition process was the audit of the PRS Head Office, conducted last week by the PMO representatives.
rel (PRS SA)