PRS and Polsteam join efforts to control CO2 emission from ships

On the 1st of July 2015, entered into force the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on monitoring, reporting and verification of carbon dioxide emission from maritime transport, and amending Regulation (EU) No 525/2013. The changes were accepted by the Council on 5th March 2015 (17086/1/14 REV 1).
The primary goal of the regulation is to establish a European system of monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of CO2 emission from ships. The first stage of proceedings aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emission from maritime transport.
– Polsteam is the shipowner, who is awakened of the need to take measures to adapt it’s fleet to the world, European and national legislation concerning the protection of the marine environment – declared Mr. Paweł Szynkaruk, the Polsteam General Director. – MRV is one of the many initiatives in the field of environmental protection undertaken by legislators recently – added Mr. Paweł Szynkaruk.
– PRS, as an expertise institution acting on the international market, helps its customers to ensure the safety of people, floating objects, loads and, as in the case of MRV, the environment – said Andrzej Madejski, the President of the Board in PRS (Polish Register of Shipping).
– The MRV Regulation shall apply to vessels with a gross tonnage over 5000, that is to those such as Polsteam owns – said at the meeting Mr. Grzegorz Wardzyński, the Director of Polsteam Technical Division. – The regulation applies to CO2 emission from ships during their voyages from the last port of call to a port of call under the jurisdiction of the EU Member State, along with cruises from the port of call under the jurisdiction of the EU Member State to the next port of call, as well as for ships berthing or moving within the port under the jurisdiction of the EU Member State- explained Director Grzegorz Wardzyński.
The Regulation also determines next stages in implementing the MRV system. Until 31st August 2017, vessel owners altogether with other organizations and individuals that have taken over the responsibility for operation of vessels, are required to submit a Plan for monitoring CO2 emission for each of their vessels to the verifiers, indicating one of the four methods of monitoring.
Then, from 1st January 2018, owners of vessels or other organizations responsible for the operation, will be required to monitor CO2 emission for each vessel in each trip all year long, using the monitoring plan and applying a suitable method for determining CO2 emission and calculating its level.
The last stage, starting in 2019, is the introduction of a requirement to submit by vessel owners and other organizations responsible for the operation, the report on CO2 emission and other relevant information from all the reported period with reference to each vessel. This report shall be submitted to the European Commission and to the relevant authorities of the flag States by the 30th April of each year.
By signing the agreement with PRS, Polsteam gave themselves the means of assistance in the development of monitoring plans for CO2 emission, verification of the plans, the choice of methods for monitoring CO2 on their vessels, as well as training Polsteam employees in the process of adapting vessels to the new MRV requirements.
rel (PRS)