Prototype structures from EPG for gas field in Cameroon

Energomontaż-Północ Gdynia (EPG) has accomplished its another innovative project. On 31st May and 1st June 2017 loading of prototype elements of Submerged SAL (single anchor loading) with yoke has been taking place at the premises of EPG.According to the contract with NOV APL (National Oilwell Varco APL), EPG fabricated structures with total weight of over 1.200 tons. The yoke is the largest of fabricated elements – designed of the triangular-shaped frame weighs about 700 tonnes. Each side of the yoke is 30 m long. Mooring yoke is connected by chains to the FPSO at her bow.- said Dominik Sychowski.
Energomontaż also made a turret with an anchor base for transfering gas directly to the FLNG unit and three anchor piles with weight about 100 tons each. Pile anchors will be used to fix the base of the entire system to the seabed.
This complex structure was completely fabricated by the EPG and tested under the supervision of the contractual partner – NOV APL, the owner (Golar), the company responsible for the underwater installations (Jumbo) and classification society (DNVGL).
The biggest challenge was the surfacing of the Inconel 625 overlapping surfaces and machining of this very hard material. The entire scope of this work was performed in the rolling and machining hall at Czechosłowacka Street in Gdynia. The thickest sheet welded on this project was 400 mm thick. The interior of the yoke construction, which is at the same time a buoyant element, was filled with 350 tonnes of magnetite to ensure proper ballasting – said Adam Bubacz, Project Manager.
Elements made by EPG are designed by NOV APL for Golar Hilli FLNG unit, which will operate at Kribi gas field near shore off the coast of Cameroon. Currently the LNG carrier is converting into FLNG unit in shipyard in Singapore. According to estimates, the unit will produce about 1.2 million tons of LNG per year.
Energomontaż-Północ Gdynia has vast experience in construction of subsea structures. One year ago EPG accomplished fabrication of elements of Submerged Turret Loading System (STL) for Gina Krog and Martin Linge fields located on the North Sea. In 2015 EPG delivered also Single Anchor Loading System (SAL) for Greater Stella mining field as well as two turrets and pile anchors for Hebron oil field located in Canada.
The structures delivered from EPG have been loaded onto a Fairplayer, a conventional heavy-lift vessel operated by Jumbo Maritime, upgraded for offshore and subsea construction / installation work.
rel (EPG)