President Duda: Poland’s return to the sea – one of the events that shaped Poland

Poland’s return to the sea was one of the most important events that shaped and built our history,” said President Andrzej Duda in Puck on Monday during the celebrations marking the 100th anniversary of Poland’s wedding to the sea.
During his speech, the President pointed out that “this is a very special day, only a few of which we have at this time, when we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of Poland’s independence”.
He pointed out that next to ‘that’ November 11, the most important events that ‘Poland has shaped and built our history’ included: The Wielkopolska Uprising, the Silesian Uprisings, as well as Poland’s return to the sea. As he added, these events also included the Polish-Bolshevik war and the great battle of Warsaw. The President stressed that Poland’s regaining of Upper Silesia ended the process of shaping the borders of the Republic of Poland and “Poland could develop further calmly, although only for 20 years”.
In Andrzej Duda’s opinion, Poland’s return to the seaside was the most important event – when it comes to rebuilding the Polish state in economic terms.
This is because the foundation of this newly formed Poland was Gdynia, the construction of which began immediately after Poland returned to the Baltic Sea. And then it was possible to develop our country, to develop our exports. The oceans and seas of the whole world opened up for our sailors, for our flag, for our sailors, also for our navy – said the President.
The ceremony was attended by the head of the Ministry of Defence, Mariusz Błaszczak, among others.
author: Rafał Białkowski, Robert Pietrzak
Photo: Sławomir Lewandowski