Polish shipbuilding industry in 2014

The majority of Polish shipbuilding industry production comes from the member companies of the Association of Polish Maritime Industries (Forum Okrętowe). Therefore this group of marine companies operating in Poland influences overall results of the industry the most.
According to information recently published by Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS – Główny Urząd Statystyczny), as many as 4911 business entities were engaged in production and repairs of ships, boats and involved in other shipyard production in Poland in 2014. They employed workforce of 31.5 thou.
During 2014, according to GUS, eight (8) floating units were built, 33.3 % down from the previous year. This corresponded to a total gross tonnage of 25,600 (down by 26.2 % from previous year). In terms of compensated gross tonnage, Polish shipbuilding production, according to GUS, amounted to 47.100 CGT and was down by 31.5 % year to year.
Other non-cargo carrying ships amounted to 62.5 % of total shipbuilding production. Similarly, in terms of deadweight, non-cargo carrying vessels dominated the production output in 2014 as a single largest category (46.8 %).
Orderbook at the end of 2014, according to GUS, was the same in ship numbers as the year before, however the growth was seen in terms of gross tonnage (33.4 % up from the previous year) and CGT (up by 32.5 %). Here, in orders, again, non-cargo carrying vessels prevailed (single largest category of 47.4 % in numbers and in deadweight – 44.7 %).
The number of ships repaired in Polish yards increased by 12.6 percent from 2013 to the level of 599 units in 2014. These represented aggregated gross tonnage of 5.5 million (up by 17.0 % from 2013).
In 2014 591 sailing sport and leisure boats were manufactured in Poland and 589 motor sea-going leisure boats.
During 2014 also 31 partially outfitted hulls were built in Poland.