Polish-Danish talks on maritime affairs

Polish-Danish cooperation in the development of ports and marinas was the main topic discussed during a meeting between Deputy Infrastructure Minister Marek Gróbarczyk and Danish Ambassador Ole Toft.

The maritime neighbourhood of Poland and Denmark, and the resulting natural opportunities for comprehensive cooperation, are of great importance for the economies of our countries, the participants in the meeting at the Ministry of Infrastructure noted.

The interlocutors acknowledged that mutual cooperation contributes to the development of the Baltic coast, in particular the West Pomerania region.

Ambassador Toft stressed the importance of Polish aid to Ukraine and the use of modern, still-developing transport infrastructure for this purpose, especially in terms of transport by sea.

“We are very interested in launching a ferry connection between Swinoujscie and Copenhagen in the future,” noted Deputy Infrastructure Minister Marek Gróbarczyk.

The conversation also focused on developing cooperation in the field of water and wastewater management. Shrinking water resources worldwide is a common problem, overcoming which will require cooperation and the use of experience and modern technologies. Deputy Minister M. Gróbarczyk indicated that a Polish-Danish agreement in this regard would soon be signed.


Source: PortalMorski.pl

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