PKN Orlen will accept further cargoes of oil from Angola

crude oil from angola

At the beginning of August and September this year, the Płock refinery of PKN Orlen will receive further cargoes of crude oil from Angola. The Company perceives this direction as promising and analyses the possibility of increasing supplies and cooperation in other business areas.

Daniel Obajtek, President of the Management Board of PKN Orlen, talked to representatives of the government of Angola and the largest mining company Sonangol.

Over the past year, we have significantly expanded the list of countries from which we import crude oil. Angola is a promising market. I believe that our talks with the producer will result in closer business and commercial relations, which will be beneficial on both sides . In this way, we will be able to react even more flexibly on any disruptions in oil supply, and thus increase Poland’s energy security,” said Daniel Obajtek, President of the Management Board of PKN Orlen.

Diversification of crude oil supplies is one of the most important objectives of PKN Orlen’s strategy updated last year. Currently, 50% of the raw material processed in the Płock refinery comes from outside the Russian direction, and in the case of the entire Orlen Group it is already 30%. In 2012-2013, the share of oil from outside the eastern direction in the refinery production of the entire Capital Group was only 5%.

New directions of supply are extremely important both for the expansion of PKN Orlen’s

raw material base and for Poland’s energy security. Thanks to supplies of crude oil from various directions, it was possible to effectively manage the situation related to contaminated crude oil in the Druzhba pipeline. Despite the stoppage of supplies from the East for 46 days, the refinery in Płock operated without interruptions, without the need to reduce the use of processing capacity. Thanks to the process of diversification, the remaining refineries within the Orlen Group, including in the Czech Republic, operated as planned.

PKN Orlen has so far imported from Angola two crude oil loads of 130,000 tonnes each,

which complemented the spot deliveries. In August and September this year, another two loads of raw material of the Cabinda and Girassol type, each of about 130,000 tonnes, will be delivered to Naftoport in Gdańsk. These grades are of high quality and their processing yields are well matched to the demand for finished petroleum products on the Polish market.

Diversification of crude oil supplies to the Płock refinery is a result of business cooperation with companies from outside Europe, including Africa and the Persian Gulf. The activities undertaken by PKN Orlen make it possible to obtain a favourable blend of crude oil to optimise production. They also have a positive impact on the final quality and price of products and the stability of the market. Every month, the refinery in Płock receives approximately 1.4 million tonnes of crude oil, of which an average of approximately 700 thousand tonnes from alternative directions to the Russian one. Only from the beginning of 2018, spot purchases contracted raw materials from Angola, Nigeria, the United States and the United Arab Emirates.

Further diversification opportunities were also opened by the reduction of oil volumes at the end of January 2012 under a long-term contract with a Russian producer Rosneft Oil Company.

Rel (PKN Orlen)

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