PGE has submitted three applications to the Ministry of Infrastructure for the issuance of location permits for offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea. Currently, PGE implements investments in the Baltic Sea on the basis of three location permits obtained in 2012 (decision no. MFW/3/12, MFW/4/12, MFW/5/12).
In November 2021, PGE submitted applications for two location permits (areas 43.E.1 and 60.E.3), and on January 26, 2022 for three more, which means that in total, PGE currently has five submitted applications.
The three applications submitted on 26 January this year for permits to erect and use artificial islands for the newly released areas concern areas numbered 60.E.4, 44.E.1 and 14.E.1. For two of these areas, i.e. 14.E.1 and 60.E.4, PGE submitted an application jointly with Enea as part of the companies established in November 2021. There are currently 11 areas in the Baltic Sea where PGE and other entities will be able to apply for permits to erect and use artificial islands.
PGE actively participates in the process of acquiring location permits. In total, PGE has submitted applications for five out of six available areas. The sixth of the available areas (53.E.1) is not in the scope of PGE’s interest, therefore no application has been filed.
– PGE is the leader in the construction of offshore wind farms in Poland. We implement projects with the largest capacity in the Baltic Sea. Submitted applications for localization permits will allow us to continue projects which are so important for the country – informs Wojciech Dąbrowski, President of the Management Board of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna.
PGE is currently developing projects with a total capacity of approx. 3.5 GW. PGE Group’s long-term development strategy in the field of maritime power generation is to build at least 6.5 GW of power by 2040. According to government assumptions included in PEP2040, offshore wind farms in the Polish Baltic Sea zone will have a capacity of 8-11 GW in 2040.