PGE Baltica with contract for preliminary geotechnical campaign for OWF Baltica 1

PGE Baltica, a PGE Group company, has signed an agreement with Geoquip Marine to conduct a preliminary geotechnical campaign of the seabed for the Baltica 1 offshore wind farm project. The main objective of the planned geotechnical campaign in the offshore wind farm area is to obtain preliminary information on the geological structure of the area under study.

The information obtained will be used, among other things, to select the optimum foundation method for the wind turbine towers and will enable the planning of subsequent research stages, including geotechnical investigations for the foundations.

“The contract just signed for the geotechnical campaign is another important step on the way to realising this investment. On the basis of data on the structure of the seabed, obtained during the research, we will create a feasibility study and pre-design the layout of the turbines and the offshore substation,” – said Arkadiusz Sekściński, CEO of PGE Baltica.

The contract includes, among other things, CPTU sounding, soil sampling in the area of the farm and laboratory testing. CPTU sounding is an investigation that involves pressing a piezoelectric cone into the ground with a system of sensors that record soil parameters continuously. The readings from the device will be subject to interpretation to determine the geology of the area. In addition, we plan to carry out laboratory tests on the samples taken. Testing will commence in the second quarter of this year.

“We are very pleased to and to continue our long-standing cooperation with Poland’s largest domestic producer of renewable electricity. Our team of experts is fully committed to safely providing the precise geotechnical information needed for this project,” – said Richard Turner, CEO of Geoquip Marine.

The Baltica 1 offshore wind farm project, with a capacity of about 0.9 GW, is one of three projects currently under construction by the PGE Group in the Baltic Sea, about 80 km from the coastline, roughly at the level of the town of Leba in the Pomeranian province. Among other things, the project already has a location permit and connection agreement in place, and the first full year of wind, sea current and wave tests behind it. The Baltica 1 offshore wind project will be commissioned after 2030.

The next two projects, Baltica 2 and Baltica 3, which will form the Baltica Offshore Wind Farm with a total capacity of 2.5 GW, are being implemented from Ørsted. The Baltica 2 stage, with a capacity of approximately 1.5 GW, is scheduled for completion by the end of 2027, while the Baltica 3 stage, with a capacity of approximately 1 GW, is scheduled for completion by 2030.



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