PGE and Ørsted invite you to Suppliers Day

A special event dedicated to suppliers of components and services who want to participate in creating the supply chain for the Baltica 2 project – one of two stages of the Baltica Offshore Wind Farm. The meetings will occur on October 10, 2023, at 10:00 AM at PGE Narodowy Stadium in Warsaw. This will be the fifth event for suppliers organized by PGE and Ørsted. Previous Suppliers Day in 2022 attracted almost 800 participants, including over 500 representatives of Polish companies.

Suppliers and subcontractors will have a unique opportunity to learn about the activities carried out by PGE and Ørsted during Suppliers Day. Representatives of both companies, which are jointly developing the Baltica OWF, will share information on the division of purchasing procedures between joint-venture partners and the applicable QHSE standards and requirements for suppliers in this regard.

Opportunity for B2B meetings

In addition to PGE and Ørsted, the event will be attended by representatives of some suppliers of components and services already contracted as part of the development of the Baltica 2 project – one of the two stages of the Baltica Offshore Wind Farm. This year, PGE and Ørsted have already signed agreements securing the supply of 107 turbines from Siemens Gamesa, offshore substations from the Semco/PTSC consortium, foundations from the Windar/Navantia consortium and the service of laying and connecting internal and export marine cables that Boskalis will perform.

Representatives of these companies will be at the disposal of event participants. During short, several-minute sessions of individual business meetings, registered participants of the Supplier Day will have the opportunity to present their company and discuss cooperation possibilities. Purchasing specialists from Siemens Gamesa, Semco/PTSC, Windar/Navantia and Boskalis will talk about the expectations towards their potential suppliers and subcontractors.

Sign up early; don’t miss the registration

By September 30, representatives of enterprises interested in participating in the Suppliers Day should register via a special form available on the website. Then, a second form will be available to previously registered participants, in which those interested in participating in B2B sessions will have the opportunity to sign up for a meeting with one of the four suppliers. This will allow the organizers to plan short individual business meetings properly. Representatives of the four invited suppliers will speak English, including their procurement and sourcing specialists. Translators will be available to help during B2B sessions if needed.

Get involved and develop the Baltica OWF with us

Offshore wind farms will not only support Poland’s energy transition. Still, they will also strengthen the national economy, providing thousands of well-paid jobs in the coming decades and giving new development opportunities to many branches of the Polish industry. Polish companies are already participating in international offshore wind farm projects worldwide. The development of offshore wind energy in the Polish waters of the Baltic Sea means new business opportunities for numerous sectors of the Polish economy.

The main beneficiaries may include the steel industry, water engineering, installation, shipyard industry, transport and logistics, consulting and training services, and hotel and catering services. In the relatively young offshore wind energy sector, over 400 Polish enterprises have been identified as potential players providing components and services to offshore companies. The previous Supplier Day organized by PGE and Ørsted in 2022 attracted almost 800 participants, including over 500 representing companies from Poland.

Baltica 2+3

The Baltica Offshore Wind Farm consists of two stages – Baltica 2 and Baltica 3. PGE and Ørsted plan to complete the construction of the Baltica 2 stage with a capacity of approx. 1.5 GW by the end of 2027, and the Baltica 3 stage with a capacity of approx. 1 GW by the end of 2029. With a total capacity of 2.5 GW, the Baltica OWF will provide green energy to almost 4 million households in Poland.


Source: PGE Baltica

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