PGE and Enea scored highest in proceedings for offshore wind

The companies PGE and Enei scored the highest number of points in the proceedings for the issuance of a location permit for the construction of offshore wind farms in two areas in the Baltic Sea, according to the results of the proceedings, published by the infrastructure ministry.

In the proceedings for area 44.E.13, the qualifying minimum was achieved by four applicants. The company with the most points was Elektrownia Wiatrowa Baltica 9, whose sole owner is PGE. The following companies were ranked next: EDF Renewable Offshore Poland I, Carmagnola and POW-Polish Offshore Wind-Co.

In the proceedings for area 60.E.43, the qualifying minimum was reached by five entities. The company with the highest number of points was Baltica 5 Wind Power Plant, in which PGE and Enea hold shares. Next in line were: EDF Renewable Offshore Poland I, Cremona, POW-Polish Offshore Wind-Co and SSE Renewables Poland.

According to Polish regulations, applicants for permits must meet a number of criteria, and receive points for meeting each. Points are awarded for, among others, financial aspects, such as the guarantees held or the method of financing the construction of the farm, and experience in the construction of offshore or energy storage facilities. The applicant’s ‘energy transition factor’ is also scored, with the most points going to those with the lowest share of RES in energy production and the least points to those with the highest share of RES.



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