OT Port Gdynia does not slow down

OT Port Gdynia, the most universal terminal in the Port of Gdynia, summarises the transshipments in the first quarter of 2021. The terminal provides transhipment and storage services for both general cargo and dry bulk, of which it handled a total of nearly 900 thousand tonnes from January to March.

After the record level of transshipments achieved at the end of 2020, OT Port Gdynia is not slowing down. The terminal ends the first quarter of 2021 with a total result of 893 thousand tonnes of goods handled, including 397 thousand tonnes of general cargo and 496 thousand tonnes of bulk cargo.

In Q1 2021, 70% more chemicals were handled compared to the same period last year. In addition, a high growth rate of 68% compared to Q1 2020 was shown in the group of cargo remaining general cargo. Rolling ro-ro units are not lagging behind either, which, with a result of over 200,000 tonnes, showed a 20% increase compared to the same period in 2020. In terms of bulk cargoes, as last year, agro bulk cargoes such as soybean meal and cereals led the way at the terminal, with over 400,000 tonnes handled between January and March 2021.


Photo: OT Port Gdynia

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