OT Logistics has concluded an agreement with Glencore on transshipment and storage of agro products

OT Logistics S.A. and Glencore Polska Sp. z o.o. have entered into an agreement on transshipment of agro products at ports in Gdynia and Świnoujście, including storage of these products at port warehouses of OT Logistics Capital Group. The agreement continues a long-term cooperation between the companies, based on recurring orders.
Services related to agro products count among the priorities of OT Logistics Capital Group, which constantly, due to numerous investments, increases its competency in the field of transshipment and transportation.
OT Port Gdynia has been properly adjusted to growing market requirements as regards trade in feed products and cereals. The port has a new storage tent with a total nominal capacity of 15,000 tons when storing grain or 20,000 tons when storing middling. Warehouses in the port premises have been certified and now operate in compliance with the requirements of GMP+ standards (Good Manufacturing Practice Standard for Feed Manufacturing and Transport). As soon as in May this year unloading of specialized grain wagons by way of a gravity flow in the trackage area will be possible. In addition, berths and warehousing facilities have been reorganised. Currently the deep-water Romanian Wharf is designed mainly for exporting cereals, while the Polish Wharf specialises in handling imported soybean meal, popular in the poultry industry. In the middle of this year a new grain elevator will be put into operation at OT Port Świnoujście, with a capacity of 80,000 tons of grain. OT Logistics Capital Group has also modern Tagnpps-type wagons, which enable to load a block train which can carry a total of over 2 thousand tons of grain.
– We believe that thanks to all these projects implemented within OT Logistics Capital Group, market participants in the field of manufacturing, trade in and distribution of agricultural and food products will be presented with a better offer of services at our ports. This way we will contribute to the development of Polish agriculture and to enhancing national food security – Andrzej Staliński, Agro Segment Director at OT Logistics S.A., underlines. – The investment projects already launched result from implementing an ambitious strategy of expanding services in the field of agro product transshipment based on our own assets. We aspire to become a regional leader in this area – he remarks.
rel (OT Logistics Capital Group)