New partly outfitted vessels in Nauta’s order book

In recent days Nauta Shiprepair Yard has signed two contracts for building partly outfitted fishing trawlers. Both vessels have been ordered by the Danish shipyard – Karstensens Skibsvaerft AS.
The contracted vessels tbn Torland (B-447) and Tor-ön (B-448) will be modern pelagic trawlers. Both vessels will be 49.95 m long and 13.2 m wide. TORÖNLAND FISKERI of Sweden will be the final owner of the ships. The vessels will target Baltic Sea sprat, North Sea sandeel and sprat as well a herring and mackerel in the North Sea.
Nauta Shiprepair Yard has been cooperating with Karstensens Skibsvaerft AS since the opening of Newbuilding Division in Gdansk in September 2013. So far, the customer has ordered 19 partly outfitted vessels and 13 of them have already been launched.
In total there are 12 vessels, mostly partly outfitted hulls for different customers from Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom in the shipyard’s order book.
rel (MS TFI SA)
Photo: MS TFI SA