New project by Zygmunt Choren

The brigand for the maritime education of young people with the working name of Rewa is another “child” of Zygmunt Choren, one of the most outstanding constructors of sailing ships in the world. The project already exists, but there is no funding for the construction of the vessel, which, as the designer tells us, before the COVID-19 pandemic, was promised to interested shipowners.
Potential shipowners would be the Yacht Club Rewa and the Christian Sailing School, which plans to sail around the world.
Together with the designers from my office, Choren Design and Consulting, we have created a project of an ecological ship, cheap in operation and construction – says Zygmunt Choreń. – The project has received positive feedback from the captains of sailing ships, as well as approval of the DNV GL classification society.
The sailing ship (B24) is designed for non-commercial activity, education and training of youth aged 12-20 years, which would be an integral part of the crew. Participants of such voyages would have to pay port costs and possible food costs.
The vessel shall meet the conditions for the protection of the marine environment by, inter alia, minimising fuel consumption. One aggregate (50 kW) provides the speed under the engine 5-6 knots and ensures the energy needs of the vessel of about 25 kW. It is 37.8 m long (with boxwood), 7 m wide, 450 m2 of sail area and can accommodate up to 33 people.
However, there is no funding for the construction. As Zygmunt Choreń told us in an interview, both the Yacht Club Rewa and the Christian School Under Sails were promised to finance the construction, but the COVID-19 pandemic and the difficult situation that followed pushed further arrangements into the background.
“It is true that maritime education is conducive to getting to know not only the sea and the world, but also to getting to know yourself. Many outstanding educators have spoken out on this matter. The result is better people, more bright and conscious. An interesting book by Jarosław W. Malinowski has been published: Girls and Boys Television. which quotes the words of General Mariusz Zaruski: I was swimming, wetting and freezing on board the yachts not to make you athletes, but to make you, as Poles, know the sea, to feel connected to it, to recognize it as your own, priceless value, without which there is no life for today’s Poland,” Zygmunt Choreń wrote.
Agnieszka Latarska
Photo: Choren Design and Consulting