New labs open at Ship Design and Research Centre in Gdansk

Photo: CTO
On October 8, 2015, new laboratories and test stands of CTO SA (Ship Design and Research Centre) were officially opened. On this occasion Centrum Techniki Okrętowej SA (CTO) organised a seminar “Support the implementation of research needs within Smart Specialisation – Port/logistics and offshore technologies” which took place in the company’s headquarters.
Invited guests toured completed investments, i.a. the specialist Offshore Test Laboratory with a new research equipment for hydrodynamic and aerodynamic model tests and also the newly constructed Dynamic Test Laboratory.
Among other significant investments of the CTO are:
- a prototype Small Wind Energy Laboratory within the project “The Intelligent Energy Nest – using innovative technology for gaining and processing of energy from renewable sources”
- a new stand for fire resistance testing for fire dampers, equipped with systems dedicated for airflow measurement
- a modernized stand for vibration resistance testing to meet the rail market requirements
Besides R&D, the new labs will also be used for commercial tasks. The potential clients would be marine and offshore related industries, as well as Energy, railway, machinery and defence sectors, among others.
The Offshore Lab has been financed through the Regional Operational Programme for Pomeranian Voivodship for 2007-2013.