New course of studies in the offshore area at the Maritime University of Gdynia in cooperation with PGE Baltica

On February 28, at the Faculty of Navigation of the Maritime University in Gdynia, a ceremony was held to sign a partnership agreement with PGE Baltica on cooperation in the creation of a study course “Risk management in the offshore industry and wind energy”. The first semester of studies will start already in March.
The agreement was signed by Prof. Adam Weintrit, D.Sc. – Rector of the Maritime University in Gdynia, Tomasz Neumann, Ph.D. – Dean of the Faculty of Navigation at the Maritime University in Gdynia and Dariusz Lociński, President of the Management Board of PGE Baltica.
– When we were making our first plans to create these studies, no one thought about the geopolitical situation that exists today, which also has to be taken into account – said Prof. Adam Weintrit, rector of Gdynia Maritime University. – Initially, our University dealt only with the education of future navigators, mechanics, electricians, who supplied our Polish merchant fleet, later it expanded its potential by educating the land-based base of the maritime economy and finally, for several months now, it has been seriously entering the third branch – offshore technology. The decisive meeting here took place on 15 April last year, when the authorities of all the faculties and the Maritime Institute, which is also part of our structures, met in the Senate Room. It was decided that this would be the area in which we should become one of the leaders on the Polish market.
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Management and Quality Sciences and the Faculty of Navigation have prepared postgraduate courses and specializations in existing undergraduate and graduate programs, and have come up with a wide range of offers for the market.
– They have managed to attract market players who have been active in this field for many years – added the rector.
PGE Baltica from the PGE Group is the main partner of the study ‘Risk Management in Offshore Mining and Wind Energy’.
– It is an honour for us to start cooperating with Gdynia Maritime University. The process of building offshore, which is a new industry that has not functioned so far, is a challenge for both investors and all the companies that are associated with this project. It seems to me that this is the moment of full synergy in our cooperation – said Dariusz Lociński, President of the Management Board of PGE Baltica.
– The new postgraduate program is a way for the Faculty of Navigation to follow new trends in science, which are set by the dynamically developing industry and economy. It is also preparing qualified personnel for contemporary issues in the maritime industry. I am glad that we are moving with the times and responding to the needs dictated by the job market in the maritime industry. I hope that the new postgraduate programme will become a permanent feature of the Faculty of Navigation and that it will attract many new students interested in offshore issues,” said Tomasz Neumann, PhD, dean of the Faculty of Navigation.
Work on organizing the studies began a year ago. They will last two semesters and cover a total of 190 hours. They are intended mainly for executives and managers, but not only. As explained by Agnieszka Blokus-Dziula, PhD, manager of postgraduate studies, they are also addressed to advisors to members of project teams, as well as people involved in the implementation of particular stages of offshore projects.
– Participants will be introduced to methods relating to risk analysis and assessment tools, and learn about basic risk management and decision-making support tools. Through case studies they will also have the opportunity to learn about risk management in practice and be able to assess how important it is to consider and manage risk when implementing projects, adds Agnieszka Blokus-Dziula.
The staff consists of industry specialists with extensive experience from around the world (including Denmark, Germany, England, Vietnam, South Korea and Taiwan) and with teaching experience. The lecturers will include project managers, experts in the field of OWE supplies, experts in project financing, legal advisors specialising in the offshore industry, specialists in occupational health and safety, human resources management, and even an insurance broker, as one of the few in Poland with experience in ensuring offshore wind farms.