NATO ships in Istanbul, visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland

Polish navy logistics and command vessel Kontradmirał X. Czernicki is the flagship of the NATO unit of minesweepers operating in the Mediterranean, Black and Aegean Seas. Between 24-26 March 2017 the vessel moored at the Istanbul port, where it was visited by the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Ankara, Mr. Maciej Lang. The Ambassador was accompanied by the Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Istanbul Mr. Andrzej Papierz and the Polish Defense Attaché in Ankara Col. Michal Piasecki. Polish diplomats also took part in the special reception aboard the ship.
The Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group Two (SNMCMG2) consists of the following ships: Kontradmirał Xawery Czernicki from Poland, ESPS Duero from Spain, FGS Rottweil from Germany and TCG Alanya from Turkey. The team conducts a six-month mission to ensure shipping safety at, crucial for EU economy, Black Sea and Mediterranean basins. The Polish ship and the SNMCMG2 team are commanded by Lieutenant Commander Alexander Urbanowicz.
The stop in the central part of historic Istanbul, at the entrance to the Golden Horn bay, gave an opportunity for the Polish mission commander to hold a reception aboard the ship for local officials, diplomats and representatives from Polish community in Turkey. Guests held talks with Polish and allied officers and got familiar with the mission objectives of the NATO team.
Lieutenant Commander Alexander Urbanowicz declared the third day of the stay as “open day” onboard Kontradmirał Xawery Czernicki. The ship attracted members of Polish community and a team of Turkish scouts. The visitors took the opportunity to learn about the equipment of the ship and to see for themselves what it’s like to be a navy seaman.
rel (MoFA, Polish Government)