Maritime Poland [MOVIE]

We are presenting a movie that promotes maritime Poland, the country that aspires to become a member of the Council of the International Maritime Organization.
The IMO aimes at improving cooperation between states in the use of international sea routes. The organisation also deals with the development of principles of safe and effective navigation; additionally, it is responsible for the protection of the marine environment.
Nowadays, there are 173 Member States being part of the IMO. Poland is part of the IMO since 1960. The Assembly, which meets once every two years, is the supreme body of the IMO while the Council is the governing body, which consists of 40 members elected by the Assembly for a period of two years in three categories.
In 2018 the IMO celebrated its 70th anniversary. In the context of this event, the World Maritime Day Parallel Event 2018 took place on June 13-15 in Szczecin, Poland. The event was organized by the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation of Poland in cooperation with the IMO. Kitack Lim (Republic of Korea), the Secretary-General of the IMO was a special guest of the event.
– Since 1960 Poland has been among the most important members of the International Maritime Organizaton – said Kitack Lim in Szczecin. – I would like to express my gratitude to the Polish government and the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation for their commitment and activities within the IMO – Kitack Lim emphasized.
In November 2018 the minister of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation Marek Gróbarczyk attended the 121. meeting of the IMO Council in London, where he also met Kitack Lim. Polish delegation had many discussions and working meetings with their foreign counterparts on the Poland’s candidacy to the IMO Council for the next term in the years 2020-2021.
PORTALMORSKI.PL and POLANDATSEA.COM contributed to the movie by providing some shots of ships and shipyards in Poland.
“Maritime Poland”: Courtesy of the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation