Launching of the partly outfitted shell fish dredger hull at Crist

Partially outfitted hull of a specialist aquaculture vessel (newbuilding no 617) for Maaskant shipyard from Crist. Photo: Crist
Partially outfitted hull of a specialist aquaculture vessel (newbuilding no 617) for Maaskant shipyard from Crist.
Photo: Crist

This slender (long and with limited beam) unit that is characterized by an extremely shallow draught, was launched on May 2, 2015 and shortly afterwards towed to Dutch customer.

The ship is intended to operate on small waters, specific to the Netherlands. Ship dimensions are so adapted, as to enable hull to fit in a narrow channel created specifically for breeding. The process of fishing involves pumping water from the bottom of the basin into the hold. After removal of water, seafood remain in the hold, where they are rinsed and placed in containers.

The project was completed for the Dutch shipyard Maaskant Shipyards. Principal characteristics of the specialist fishery vessel are as follows: length: 43.19 m, width: 9 m, depth: 3.3 m, draft: 1 m.

Other notable deliveries of ship hulls or sections from Crist include a hull of patrol vessel and aft part of OSV. Partly outfitted, 72 m long hull of the offshore patrol vessel (newbuilding no 428) suitable for operation in arctic areas was built for Karstensens Skibsværft A/S yard in Denmark. The ship is destined ofr service in Royal Danish Navy under P 572 symbol. It represents “Knud Rasmussen” class. The partially outfitted hulls of the two previous vessels of the same class have been built by Stal-Rem in Gdansk in 2006-2007.

The large aft block of offshore construction vessel (OCV), newbuilding no. 302, destined for Ulstein Verft in Norway was towed to Ulsteinvik late April. The ship was ordered by a joint-venture of Island Offshore and Edison Chouest Offshore.

To be named Island Venture, the unit is to become the largest ship built at Ulstein Verft to date.

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