Jackets from the second ST3 Offshore’s project on the way from Szczecin (Poland) to Orsted

The load out of jacket foundations for Ørsted (ex DONG Energy) is going on. Operation is proceeding succesfully – two from three jackets are already on the barge. If the weather will be favourable, all three constructions should be ready for transport the middle of the week.
Production of jacket foundations is the second contract realized by ST³ Offshore for the Danish energy concern. The scope of works includes fabrication of 20 constructions and the complete jacket assembly with outfitting (e.g. electrical equipment). Foundations from Szczecin will be installed on the Wind Offshore Farm Borkum Riffgrund 2 on the North Sea.
– The load out proceeding is a difficult venture, both as an operational and as a logistic process – said Adam Kowalski, the Vice-president of the Management Board of ST3 Offshore. – The huge 120 m gantry crane, which is used by the operations, is our great advantage, but in the same time it forces us to be extremely careful and to adjust works to weather requirements. Strong winds, fog, bad visibility make some works impossible.
The load out started on the 14th of February. Placing of one jacket takes about 2 days. The final operations are planning for the second half of the week – it will be a very good result, even more so beacuse it is the first load out of such steel constructions.
Foundations will be transported on barges chartered from Norway. They will go to Cuxhaven, where they will be assembled with 10 m high buckets (or ‘caissons’, also used in other marine construction). All structure is 60 m high.
On the ST3 Offshore‘s storage place in Szczecin there are standing next fabricated jacket constructions. After all certifications and TOCs most probably in February next three jackets will be allowed to transport.
rel (ST3 Offshore)