The investment in the Port Gdańsk is already in its final stage

85% of the work is over. NDI will complete the reconstruction of the road-rail system in the Port Gdańsk in autumn. 5.6 km of new roads, 16 crossings, 4 viaducts and a buffer car park for trucks are being built here. An additional track for DCT terminal, new tracks for coal terminals and a modern rail traffic control system have already been constructed.
The last soil reinforcements consisting in the execution of CFA piles at the WD-4 facility’s raiding point have been completed, and the earthworks are currently in progress there. After completing the surface works on the new roadway of Kontenerowa Street, the contractor, NDI company, is preparing to postpone the traffic and perform reconstruction of the existing roadway. This will be the last stage of work. The construction of the WD-2 flyover has been completed along with the invasions. 95% of network works on the main rainwater collectors have been carried out and reconstruction of the last sections of streets inside the port, i.e. Północny Port Builders’ Street (right-hand lane), Major H. Sucharskiego Street and Captain W. Poinca Street, has begun.)
The impressive and interesting works are being carried out at Portowa Street, where a car park with a concrete surface for trucks is being built
We are at the stage of making 27 cm thick concrete surfaces – says Maciej Szymański – construction manager from NDI. The car park has an area of 15,000 square meters and its volume is 4700 cubic meters of high strength C40 by 50 concrete. Due to high strength and quality requirements set by the investor, we had to adjust the method of building the mixture using the sliding method. This method is based on the use of a machine that can spread the concrete in one pass, compact it, vibrate the dowels and anchors and trowel the concrete. The machine does four operations at the same time, which would be performed manually by about 30-40 workers and we would not be sure whether the surface will have the assumed quality – adds Maciej Szymański.
We are pleased with the progress of the works, as well as the fact that we are on the verge of completing such an important undertaking. The current investment will improve road and rail traffic in the part of the road system that serves external terminals, mainly DCT terminal, Sea-Invest and Gaspol terminal – says Łukasz Greinke, President of the Port of Gdansk.
The method used by NDI is applicable both to airports and motorways. It allows to obtain the required degree of compaction in the whole section of the surface, in this case 27 centimetres thick. The applied machine allows to perform even 15-20 thousand square meters per month of the surface, which, taking into account unfavorable weather conditions, gives 150 thousand square meters per year.
As part of the project to extend the road-rail system in the Outer Port, carried out by NDI for the benefit of the Port Gdańsk, the following streets are being rebuilt: Portowa, Poinca, Kontenerowa and Budownicze Portu Północnego with a total length of 5.6 km. 4 new viaducts are being built, and 2 existing ones will be dismantled (including one over the active railway track and the other over the fuel pipe transmission system of PERN, LOTOS and Naftoport). There will be an additional track for the DCT terminal, new tracks for coal terminals and a modern railway traffic control system. There will also be a buffer car park for trucks – the first in this part of the port. The investment worth over 176 million is being carried out by NDI company from Sopot.
Rel (NDI)
Translation: Krystian Wyrzykowski