Installation terminal in Świnoujście with EU funding
The Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority S.A. (ZMPSiŚ) has received 85 per cent co-financing of the total cost of the project entitled ‘Building the capacity of the Swinoujscie seaport to serve the needs of offshore wind energy’ from the Connecting Europe Facility 2021-2027 (CEF 2). The total cost of the project is €77.5 million, and the amount of co-financing is €65.9 million.
ZMPSiŚ received funding under the CEF competition: CEF 2 Transport – Core Network Projects – Cohesion Envelope CEF-T-2022-CORECOEN-MARP-WORKS: Seaports – studies, work or mixed-use, with priority on the development of port capacity and facilities in relation to offshore wind farms.
The project will implement the following elements of the port access infrastructure:
- dredging of the entrance channel and the harbour basin, including a turntable, leading to quays of the technical depth of 12.5 m,
- construction of two berths, in a single line, with a total length of approximately 500 m to enable the safe mooring of maximum jack-up (WTIV) and other (WTTV) vessels,
- the formation of a new harbour area with the construction of a future jetty of approximately 290 m in length to enable the further development of the installation terminal with another berth for installation vessels (WTIV).
The overall objective of the project is to create an offshore wind farm installation terminal in Świnoujście, capable of handling the largest installation vessels (WTIV) of the fourth generation, characterised primarily by the increased lifting capacity of installation and handling equipment, transporting key wind farms components such as turbines, their towers and foundations.
The subsidised project will create opportunities for handling, storing and assembling wind tower sections (including foundations) and other wind turbine components, as well as handling and storing other oversized, bulky and heavy loads. Also important is the unrestricted access to the harbour from the water, which, in the case of the subsidised project, provides the opportunity to transport large-scale components of modern wind turbines while maintaining the required safe navigation spaces.
The subsidised project under CEF II will enable the construction of Baltic Power’s first offshore wind farm with an installed capacity of 1140 MW located in the waters of the Polish exclusive economic zone. It is part of a global project to create the means to produce ‘green energy’ and connect it to the Polish power grid. The components of the global project are:
1. ‘Building the potential of the seaport in Świnoujście for securing the needs of offshore wind energy’, which includes the construction and modernisation of the basic port infrastructure in the form of a port channel, basin and berths for vessels with priority for the construction and installation of offshore wind farms (OWF). The entity responsible for the implementation of the investment is ZMPSiŚ S.A.
2. The project entitled “Construction and equipping of the installation terminal in Świnoujście”, consists of the construction of the terminal’s quay infrastructure for the assembly, storage and handling of components for the construction and installation of offshore wind farms (OWF). The entity responsible for the investment is the operator of the offshore wind farm terminal – Orlen Neptun II S.A.
3. The project entitled ‘Construction of the Baltic Power wind farm’, involves the construction of offshore wind farms (OWF) in the Baltic Power project area with a projected capacity of 1140 MW. The developer Baltic Power sp. z o.o. is responsible for the construction and operation of the Baltic Power wind farm.
