I Love Poland yacht to sail in transatlantic regatta

I Love Poland yacht

The yacht I Love Poland, which promotes Poland and is owned by the Polish National Foundation, will sail for the first time in a transatlantic regatta – informed Temistokles Brodowski from PFN.

I Love Poland will race in the annual regatta of the Royal Ocean Racing Club over a route of 3,000 nautical miles, Brodowski conveyed. The race starts in the Canary Islands and ends in the Caribbean.

A 14-person crew will sail across the Atlantic, consisting of the winners of the PFN’s training for young sailors who want to sail on the world’s biggest racing yachts, with the captain of I Love Poland, Grzegorz Baranowski.

This is the first race across the Atlantic and the longest race route for I Love Poland so far – depending on weather conditions the crew should sail for 10 to over a dozen days – Brodowski said. 

More than 30 monohull and multihull yachts from 22 countries will race from Puerto Calero on Lanzarote to St. George on Grenada in the RORC Transatlantic Race – from the 10-metre Jangada yacht to the 33-metre Comanche, the record holder in sailing monohulls across the Atlantic.

Volvo Open 70 will start in the same class as I Love Poland on Saturday. Other Polish boats are also going to sail in this year’s regatta.

The record of this transatlantic regatta for monohulls is 10 days 5 hours 47 minutes and 11 seconds and it belongs to a 130-foot (almost 40 meters) boat of “My Song” class, owned by an Italian, Pier Luigi Loro Piana.

The first recruitment for the PFN sailing project was launched in December 2019. – Then, out of 430 applications, the programme’s chapter selected the finalists, who took part in a training camp. Later, the yacht crew – with restrictions due to the pandemic – participated in selected regattas and sailing competitions in 2020. New crew members were selected in subsequent editions.



rel. PortalMorski.pl

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