Hydronav 2017 conference

Twenty First International Conference on Hydrodynamics in Ship Design and Operation will take place late June in Gdańsk.The Conference, to be held on 28-29 June 2017 at Ośrodek Kultury Morskiej (part of National Maritime Museum), is intended to provide a forum for scientific paper presentation and professional discussion on development and application of latest achievements in experimental, theoretical and computational hydrodynamics in design and operation of ships and other marine vehicles or structures.
The event is organised by Ship Design and Research Centre SA (CTO SA) in co-operation with Gdańsk University of Technology, Wrocław University of Technology, The Foundation for Safety of Navigation and Environment Protection, Maritime Academy in Gdynia and Maritime Academy in Szczecin.
Conference main topics include: ship resistance, marine propellers and propulsion, steering devices and maneuverability, stability, seakeeping and safety of navigation, hydrodynamics and aerodynamics in offshore technology, interaction with environment and other ship design issues, such as open or ducted propellers, podded propellers and thrusters, water-jets, unconventional propulsors (CRP, stator/rotor, surface piercing propellers, tip loaded, rim driven, etc.), energy saving devices and methods in ship hydromechanics, ocean current or tidal turbines, propeller / hull / rudder interaction, propeller design, modeling of cavitation, noise and vibration, propeller and rudder cavitation and erosion, numerical methods in propulsion (VLM, BEM, RANS, Hybrid, LES, DES, DNS), experimental techniques, full-scale measurements, propulsion at off-design and crash-back conditions, dynamic positioning, propulsor-ice interaction, propulsion in seaways, shallow water and numerical methods in ship design.
rel (CTO)