Green technologies in shipping at GreenMarE conference on April 20 in Gdansk

On the 20th of April 2021, the GreenMarE conference, with a European dimension, will be held for the first time in Gdansk from 9.00 to 12.00, dedicated to “green” technologies to reduce ship emissions in line with the objectives of the new global climate policy.
The GreenMarE conference will be one of the supporting events of the InterMarE South Baltic trade fair. Like the fair itself – due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic – it will be held as an online event.
The conference is organised by the Association of Polish Maritime Industries FORUM OKRĘTOWE, the Gdansk International Fair Co. and Ltd. and held under the honorary patronage of the Embassy of Norway in Poland, SEA Europe – The Shipyards’ & Maritime Equipment Association of Europe, DNV and the Mayor of the City of Gdansk.
According to the goals set by the International Maritime Organisation, the amount of greenhouse gases released by global shipping is to be halved from over 800 million tonnes by 2050. The European Green Deal policy adopted by the European Commission calls for even more ambitious targets. Achieving these goals will require the development and commercialisation of many new and innovative technical solutions in maritime transport which are not yet available on the market.
This is a real challenge, but also a great opportunity for the European and Polish shipbuilding industries to join the global race for innovation in this area. The need to discuss these issues has led to the idea of the GreenMarE conference as a forum for exchanging opinions and experience between representatives of the industry, including shipyards and design offices, propulsion manufacturers, national and European administration, classification and financial institutions.
The invitation to participate in the first edition of the GreenMarE conference has been accepted by Mssrs: Anders Eide, Ambassador of Norway to Poland, Christophe Tytgat – Secretary General of SEA Europe and Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen – CEO of DNV Maritime. In their opening speeches, they will refer to the topic of the energy transition that is to take place in global shipping and the challenges involved.
The panelists will be: Ms. Hege Økland – President of NCE Maritime CleanTech and Mssrs: Erik Nyhus, Director of Environment at DNV, Christophe Tytgat (SEA Europe), Dariusz Jaguszewski, naval architect and board member of Remontowa Shipbuilding as well as Sigvald Breivik, CTO/Technical Director at Norled. They will talk about the decarbonisation of shipping, the development of innovative technologies and solutions in the construction of low- and zero-emission ships, environmentally friendly ship conversions, the use of alternative fuels and renewable energy sources, as well as related considerations for changing standards, regulations and practices in maritime transport.
Are the European, including Polish, shipyards, design offices, equipment manufacturers, shipowners and classification societies prepared to take up the challenge of “green” shipping? What experience, offer and solutions do they have in this field, what competences do they want to develop? Why is it worth to cooperate in this area with Norway, which is a leader in the implementation and promotion of “clean” shipping?
These are just a few of the questions that participants of the GreenMarE 2021 conference will try to find answers to.
The conference in English, in the form of a webcast live streaming will be open to the public.
More details and the registration form are available at the link:GreenMare,