Gaz-System with location decision for LNG terminal in Gdansk

The Pomeranian governor has issued a location decision for the FSRU, a floating LNG terminal in the Gulf of Gdansk, gas transmission operator Gaz-System said on Monday. The decision concerns the jetty and the gas pipeline that will connect the FSRU to the gas transmission system.

As Gaz-System CEO Sławomir Hinc assessed, ‘obtaining the location decision is one of the most important milestones of the FSRU Programme, which aims to build Poland’s first floating regasification terminal.

– Later this year, we plan to obtain another key administrative decision for the maritime component of the FSRU Programme, i.e. a construction permit,” Hinc added, quoted in Gaz-System’s announcement.

The FSRU terminal will be located in the southern part of the Gulf of Gdansk, in the immediate vicinity of the Baltic Hub container terminal and the waterway leading to the port of Gdansk, at a distance of about 3 km from the sea shore. A Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) will be permanently moored to the quay. From there, gas will be transmitted via an offshore pipeline to the national transmission network.

The terminal is expected to become operational in 2028. In April 2024, Gaz-System signed an FSRU charter agreement with White Eagle Energy Ltd, a Mitsui O.S.K. Lines company. The regasification capacity is expected to be 6.1 bcm of gas. 100 per cent of the capacity has been reserved for 15 years by Orlen.

The 100 per cent state-owned Gas Transmission Operator Gaz-System is responsible for the transmission of natural gas, manages the most important gas pipelines in Poland and owns the LNG Terminal in Świnoujście.

The investment is being carried out using European Union funds. The European Commission, under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), has granted the LNG Gdańsk project a grant for an action entitled: “Pre-investment works to obtain a construction permit for the offshore part of PCI 6.27 LNG Gdańsk (PL)”. The maximum amount of support awarded is approximately EUR 19.6 million.



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