Gaz-System: start of Open Season procedure for floating LNG terminal (FSRU) in the Gulf of Gdansk
Gaz-System announced on Monday, December 6, the launch of the binding Open Season FSRU – Phase 1 procedure on November 29, this year, which aims to verify the interest of market participants in the regasification capacity of the FSRU Terminal by submitting binding long-term orders for the use of FSRU regasification services, which will justify the implementation of the indicated project by Gaz-System.
The project assumes location in the Gdansk region of a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) capable of unloading LNG, in-process storage and regasification of LNG. The FSRU terminal is to be adapted to carry out the regasification process at the level of 6.1 bcm of gaseous fuel per year.
Details of the procedure have been specified in the document entitled General Terms and Conditions of the Open Season FSRU Procedure and its appendices.
Entities interested in participating in the Open Season FSRU procedure are to submit registration documents by 27 December 2021.
The LNG terminal in the Port of Gdansk was included in 2020 in the fourth list of investments that have been granted the status of Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) in the energy sector in accordance with Regulation No 347/2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure.
On 19 November 2021, the European Commission adopted the draft fifth PCI list, on which the LNG terminal in the Gdansk area is also included. PCI projects are key infrastructure projects aimed at increasing the level of security in the European energy market. Their implementation is intended to support energy policy and climate challenges in the EU.