Gaz-System: FSRU, biomethane, hydrogen and CO2

Gas transmission system operator Gaz-System will play an active role in the energy transition process in the areas of biomethane, hydrogen, and CO2 transport, the company’s CEO, Sławomir Hinc, said. He also confirmed the company’s commitment to the FSRU project in Gdansk.
“What awaits the operator is an active role in the transformation process, especially in the areas of biomethane, hydrogen and CO2 in the context of their transport through the networks,” – Hinc said at a meeting with journalists on Wednesday. “Energy transformation is a new thing that will be increasingly visible in Gaz-System’s activities,” – he assessed.
At the same time, Hinc recalled that the operator’s main tasks are ensuring security, continuity, and supply.
The President of Gaz-System confirmed the company’s commitment to realizing the closing of the Northern Gateway, i.e., the floating LNG terminal project—FSRU in Gdańsk. As he emphasized, the current deadline for commissioning the terminal is 2028. He indicated that negotiations with the charterer of the FSRU Mitsui are practically closed.
On the biomethane issue, Gaz-System sees its important role in creating and animating this market. “The most important thing here is the regulatory layer”. – assessed Hinc.
Gaz-System ambitions to become a transmission operator in the hydrogen area and actively participate in creating frameworks and connections between sources and consumers.
“We are only after the adoption of the European hydrogen regulatory package, but we see our role in implementation, financing and infrastructure creation,” – Hinc said.
He recalled that the operator will launch a hydrogen map of the Poland project, which involves locating supply and demand sites for hydrogen. On this basis, we will create a backbone network just for hydrogen transport, he announced.
On the other hand, in the area of CO2, the Gaz-System should deal with transport, which translates into accelerating decarbonization and reducing emissions.
Hinc also informed that the 30 April deadline for delivering the third liquefied gas tank at the LNG terminal in Świnoujście was no longer valid.
“The investment has had delays. We are now close to completing part of the construction while permits and acceptance inspections remain,” he explained. Today, we are not yet able to set a specific date, emphasized by the president of Gaz-System.
The 100 per cent state-owned gas transmission system operator Gaz-System is responsible for natural gas transmission, manages the most important gas pipelines in Poland, and owns and operates the LNG terminal in Świnoujście.