Founding meeting of Polish LNG Platform
On June 7, 2017, a founding meeting of Polish LNG Platform took place in Gdansk. Polish LNG Platform was established to promote LNG as a new, cleaner and quieter fuel for road transport and shipping. LNG is an important transition fuel towards a sustainable transport sector.Polish LNG Platform is intensifying efforts to develop and support the LNG market in Poland, with particular emphasis on the potential of LNG, concentrating resources on the most promising directions of development of LNG, referrals lobbying for the national authorities and the EU and strengthen cooperation between the economy, science and administration as well as international cooperation.
The meeting was attended by Motus Foundation, Barter, DNV GL Poland, Tines Gas, SGS Polska, Remontowa LNG Systems, Emerson Process Management, Port of Gdynia Authority, Maritime University of Szczecin, Gdynia Maritime University and Pawłowski Skromak Kancelaria Adwokatów i Radców Prawnych.
During the meeting, the Board of Directors along with the Council were selected and agreed and approved the action plan for the forthcoming year.
rel (Polish LNG Platform)