Foundation stone laid for yet another investment at the Port of Gdansk

Intensive work on the conversion of the road and railway network at the Port of Gdansk is under way. The foundation stone for the construction of a new flyover at the Port Polnocny has just been laid.
The Port of Gdansk Authority is carrying out the largest investment programme in its history. One of its elements involves the expansion of the road and railway network at the Port Polnocny. It is one of the projects which received an 85% subsidy from the EU’s Connecting Europe Facility. The NDI company, located in Sopot, responsible for carrying out the work, has just started the construction of a flyover on ulica Kontenerowa.
– The Port of Gdansk is the most rapidly developing port in Europe. It has been enjoying record transshipments for the last two years. Statistics show that several thousand containers are transported to and from the port daily. In order to ensure efficient handling of such a considerable volume of cargo, infrastructure of the highest quality is a must. The flyover, the construction of which we are officially inaugurating today, will cross a railway line, also undergoing expansion. This will make it possible for us to solve a significant problem we have had to date, posed by at-grade junctions – says Malgorzata Winiarek-Gajewska, President of the Board at NDI S.A.
– Infrastructure determines the port’s potential. The transshipment volume keeps growing more and more rapidly, our partners are developing and expanding, and this is why we need to provide roads and railways that will facilitate efficient transport of goods. The project will fill a huge gap in the port infrastructure and will surely contribute to the Port of Gdansk getting to the very top among European ports – explains Lukasz Greinke, President of the PGA.
As part of the road and railway network expansion project at Port Polnocny, ulica Poinca, Kontenerowa, and Budowniczych Portu Polnocnego will be converted. A fragment of ulica Nowa Portowa will be built. Another railway track leading to the DCT terminal will be added, along with new tracks leading to the coal terminals, and a modern railway traffic control system will be installed. The first buffer car park for heavy goods vehicles in this part of the Port will also be built.
NDI will convert a total of about 5.6 km of roads. It will also modernise and build 9.4 km of railway tracks and 16 junctions. Two road flyovers will be demolished: one over railway tracks in operation and one over fuel pipelines. Four new flyovers will be built to replace them. To complete the work, the Contractor will use 130,000 tonnes of steel, asphalt concrete, and aggregate, and more than 11,000 m3 of concrete.
The new road and railway system is also intended to constitute a base for the future Central Port thanks to which the transshipment volume at the Port of Gdansk will be able to double, reaching 100 million tonnes a year. – We have to think long-term. The port is an enterprise whose investments are planned decades in advance. Modern infrastructure must not only meet the challenges of the current economic situation, but also take into consideration the future development and potential of Gdansk as one of the most important logistics hub in Central Europe – says Marcin Osowski, Vice-President of the Board for Infrastructure at the PGA.
The value of the contract amounts to PLN 175,840 gross. The project will be completed by the end of 2020.
rel (Port of Gdansk Authority SA)