Extended live fish carrier newbuilding contract for Crist

A computer rendering of a live fish carrier to be built at Crist. Fig.: Seacon
A computer rendering of a live fish carrier to be built at Crist.
Fig.: Seacon

Polish yard Crist SA in Gdynia has begun work on the DNV classed newbuilding no. NB SC 75/2 with design supplied by the Owners. This is a second order placed at Crist for the ship of the same design.

Read also: Crist to deliver newbuilding to Artic Group

Highly automated live fish carrier, 75.7 m long, 8 m deep and 15 m wide, will be used to transport fish from sea farms to the processing plant on land. The purpose of NB SC 75/2 will be to operate in the area of the North Atlantic and the Pacific. The live fish water tanks will have 3000 cu m capacity.

The buyer is Artic Group AS, the Norwegian company that operates a modern fleet of five self-owned vessels, and is a world leader in transportation  of fish food in bulk.

The ship is scheduled for delivery mid 2018.

PBS, rel (Crist)

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