Environmental decision on the construction of an FSRU terminal with an offshore gas pipeline in Gdańsk

The Regional Director for Environmental Protection (RDOŚ) in Gdansk on Wednesday issued a decision to give immediate enforceability to the environmental decision for the construction of an FSRU terminal with an offshore gas pipeline within the Port of Gdansk basin, the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection (RDOŚ) said on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, RDOŚ informed on its website that the Regional Director of Environmental Protection in Gdańsk, at the request of the investor: Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych Gaz-System SA, issued a decision to give the order of immediate enforceability to the decision on environmental conditions for the project entitled: ‘Implementation of the FSRU terminal with a submarine gas pipeline within the basin of the Port of Gdańsk’.

The document indicates that the investment will be located in internal waters within the boundaries of the Port of Gdansk and in the land part within the boundaries of Wyspa Stogi within the administrative boundaries of the City of Gdansk, in the vicinity of the estuary of the Vistula Śmiała (municipality of the City of Gdansk, Pomeranian voivodeship).

It is also stated that the parties have the right to appeal against the decision to the General Director for Environmental Protection through the Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Gdańsk.

As Gaz-System states on its website, the programme envisages that the FSRU will be built at a mooring platform approximately 3 km from the shore, in the area of the Gdańsk port, between the mouths of the Śmiała and Martwa branches of the Vistula. The necessary subsea and onshore infrastructure will also be built as part of the Programme.

In July 2023. Gaz-System completed the process of obtaining administrative decisions for all onshore gas pipelines. One month later, the full regasification capacity of the FSRU Terminal of 6.1 bcm per year was booked for 15 years through the Open Season procedure.

In December 2023, geotechnical boreholes were completed in Gdansk in the course of ongoing design work for the offshore section. These will allow the subsoil analysis necessary to indicate the location of the starting point of the offshore gas pipeline and its route.

In November 2023. The European Commission included the onshore gas pipelines planned for the construction of the FSRU Terminal in the loan part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRP) in the REPowerEU chapter on the development of infrastructure necessary to meet immediate security of supply needs (component G3.2. – Improving energy infrastructure and facilities to meet immediate security of supply needs for gas).

Under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the European Commission awarded the LNG Gdansk project a grant for the action entitled: “Pre-investment works to obtain a construction permit for the offshore part of PCI 6.27 LNG Gdańsk (PL)”. The maximum amount of support awarded is approximately EUR 19.6 million.

Source: PortalMorski.pl

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