Crist yard launched live fish carrier Aqua Tromøy

Crist SA launched and floated out, on January 21, 2018, the live fish carrier Aqua Tromøy (yard no. NB SC 75/1 or Crist B75). The contract won by Crist for fully outfitted multipurpose live fish carrier of the SC 75 design was announced in October 2016. At that time the delivery was said to be scheduled for Q4 2017. That contract meant return of the client that had already previously taken delivery of a ship from the same yard (Artic Fjell in 2014), namely, the Norwegian owners Artic Shipping AS (Artic Group).
Order for the second vessel of the same design – SC 75 (newbuilding no. NB SC 75/2 or Crist B75/2), was acquired in March 2017. The second unit, to be named Aqua Kvaløy is about to be delivered (according to initial information) in mid-2018.

Meanwhile, the two ships on order have been transferred to the prospective fleet of newly established DESS Aquaculture Shipping, which is to become an operator of the two sister vessels. DESS, is a joint ventureof JV firm Marine Harvest and Deep Sea Supply. According to some sources, the technical and crew management responsibilities for Aqua Tromøy are to be assumed by Stan Shipping Agency Ltd. of Gdańsk, Poland.
With as much as 3000 m³ fish tank capacity and just 10 person crew, the news ship is to be a great quality leap forward for the Norwegian owners and operators.
Modern, highly automated and multipurpose vessel, with diesel-electric propulsion, will be most probably used in the North Sea and/or in the northern parts of Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
The design comes from Seacon AS, a Norwegian consulting naval architects / ship designers specializing in fishing and fish farming industry vessels. The NB SC 75/1 newbuilding is designed and built according to the rules and under supervision of DNV GL.
After launching the Aqua Tromøy is subject to finishing and outfitting works alongside.
Aqua Tromøy and Aqua Kvaløy – principal characteristics: length o.a. – 76.90 m (75,70 m according to other sources), breadth – 15.00 m, depth – 8.00 m; estimated hull weight – approx. 980 ton; gross tonnage – 2500; capacity – 2 fish holds, 3 000 m³ total, fresh water production – 6 000 m³/day, circulation pumps – 8 × 3 000 m³/h at 10 mlc, vacuum pumps – 2 × 6 000 l, bow thruster – 1 × 400 kW; cargo systems: fish loading – vacuum and under-pressure loading (with water separation); fish offloading – sliding bulkhead and over-pressure off-loading 12 mlc; fresh water production – RO with UV pre-treratment, 6 000 m³/day; CO₂ strippers 2 × 3 000 m³/h; filters – 8 × automatic pressure filters 3 000 m³/h, 150 micron; UV – 4 × 2 500 m³/h @ T10=92%; Ozon (O3) disinfection system – 2 × O3 generator, each 3.2 kg/h at 10wt %; oxygen (O₂) production plant- 2 × O₂ generator, each 67 kg/h at purity 93 %; de-licing treatment – fresh water and H₂O₂; ballast water treatment – yes; tank washing system – yes; propulsion – diesel electric propulsion, Halvorsen Power 4 × Cummins diesel generators, 940 kW each 1 × emergency / harbour generator 250 kW 2 x azimuth propulsion thrusters, 1000 kW each; main engines equiped with SCR-control, approved for IMO Tier III; speed (loaded/ballast) – 12.5 / 14 knots; classification – DNV GL.
PBS, rel (Crist SA)