Crist signs contract with Chantiers Piriou

Polish company Crist SA, based in Gdynia, has acquired an order for partially outfitted hull from the French yard Piriou.
The polar logistics vessel (PLV) will be used to transport cargo in containers between the French polar station Dumont d’Urville Station (located in Antarctica), and the Tasmanian port of Hobart. Transport will be held in the hold capacity of up to 1 200 tons of cargo. Given the purpose and functioning in the most difficult ice and weather conditions, the unit will have high ice class, which guarantees the reliability and effectiveness of the operation of the vessel in its area of sailing.

Illustr.: Crist
The ship will also serve as a naval patrol craft for the purpose of surveillance of non-European waters of the French Republic and will replace the same currently used patrol L’Albatros and the icebreaker L’Astrolabe.
PLV will be powered by four engines, which power will be passed through two shaft lines. The ship will have the ability to support two helicopters.
The hull will be 72 m long, 16 m wide and will weigh 1850 tons on delivery from Crist.