Construction of a new deepwater berth in DCT Gdansk in progress

This is how the new berth in DCT will look like (on the right) after completion of its construction. Illustr. DCT
This is how the new berth in DCT will look like (on the right) after completion of its construction. Illustr. DCT.

Piling work of a new T2 quay wall at DCT Gdansk terminal, which started in June 2015, has just been completed. It marks the end of hydrotechnical works at the quay wall and the focus shifting  to land works. Meantime, T2 power supply and sanitary systems are nearing completion. Other important parts of works in execution include crane railbeam and yard surface preparation.

According to the project schedule DCT plans to finish the T2 construction in the second half of 2016. After completing the infrastructure works, DCT will assemble and install the equipment. A new terminal should start its operations by the end of 2016.

With the second berth, the terminal will double its handling capacity up to 3 million TEU annually in the first phase of development, which will allow DCT to join the exclusive club of the largest container terminals in Europe.

It’s worth recalling that on 22 January 2015 DCT, Poland’s largest container terminal officially started the construction phase of a new deepwater quay in Gdansk’s Northern Port handing over the construction site to the Belgian N.V. BESIX – the general contractor and the designer of the new facility.

The construction works including both site preparation and building the facility were expected to take 19 months. The construction works commenced on Friday, 15th of May, 2015. During the event a time capsule containing message regarding the meaning of DCT’s investment and its current influence on region’s economy, was placed at T2 construction site. Its exact location will be marked with a special memorial plaque.

The inauguration of the construction works was preceded by the round table discussion, organized together with Embassy of the Commonwealth of Australia and Austrade – Australian Trade Commission. That was a good opportunity to raise awareness of Australia’s contribution to Poland’s and the broader region’s growth. The main theme was innovation as the key to accelerating economic growth in Poland. Discussion participants tried to answer the question if Australian investments in logistics and energy can assist in transformation of Poland and Central Eastern Europe.

The Construction of the second deep-water berth in DCT Gdansk (T2) with an investment amounting to EUR 200 million is financed by the consortium of 7 banks.

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