Baltec Marine and Nauta repair yard install scrubbers

Peter Pan at Nauta yard Photo: Jarosław Staluszka / Nauta SA
Peter Pan at Nauta yard
Photo: Jarosław Staluszka / Nauta SA

Scrubbers will be again installed onboard a ro-pax vessel serviced at Nauta shiprepair yard. On December 20, the Peter Pan ro-pax ferry, operated by TT-Line was docked at Nauta. The 191 m long ferry will have its Ecospray Technologies supplied scrubber system installed.

During the execution of the project dismantling and subsequently installation of funnel stacks and sea chests will be necessary. Besides the installation of scrubber system, the ship undergoes docking, maintenance and repairs, including painting of hull and cargo decks as well as piping and electrical systems works.

The installation of the scrubber system itself will be performed by Baltec Marine. The scope of works includes 3D laser scanning and reverse engineering, engineering, electrical works (integration with existing system) installation of the scrubber towers and piping works (GRE).

The Peter Pan is one of the TT-Line ferries operating on the Trelleborg – Travermünde route. The ship was built in 2001 r. It accommodates 744 passengers, able to use such amenities as restaurant, lounges, children playgrounds and cinema. The vessel offers 2600 m ro-ro lane length and is able to carry up to 174 trailers.

rel (Nauta), PBS

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